Thursday 4 August 2016

Tannhauser to be performed at Melbourne's magnificent Regent with a terrific cast!


Melbourne Opera's superb new production of Wagner's rarely performed masterpiece Tannhauser, with a company of over 130 singers and musicians, will open the magnificent Regent Theatre  to the thrilling world of grand opera for the first time.
With leading international star tenor Marius Vlad in the demanding title role, Melbourne Opera has assembled a top cast of international and local singers to perform this monumental work. HeraldSun aria winners Lee Abrahmsen and Jason Wasley appear as Elizabeth and Walther respectively with Sarah Sweeting and Manfred Pohlenz appearing in the pivotal roles of Venus and Wolfram. The superb cast, 60 voices of the Melbourne Opera Chorus and 65 piece  Melbourne Opera Orchestra under the direction of leading Wagnerian Dr David Kram will bring all the majesty of Wagner's magnificent arias and ensembles to life. The new production is directed by Suzanne Chaundy, acclaimed for her recent successes with Il Seraglio, Mary Stuart and Der Freischutz.
Tannhauser, not seen in Melbourne since 1992, tells the story of one man's struggle with the conflicting emotions of sensual and pure love, of flesh and spirit. The opera features some of Wagner's most well known music including the Overture, Ode to the Evening Star, Pilgrims Chorus and Elizabeth's Greeting and Prayer. The opera will be performed in German with English subtitles.

Regent Theatre, Melbourne

August 14, 17 and 20

Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University

August 28, 2:30pm

Lucia di Lammermoor at Hobart's Theatre Royal August 17-21

Wed 17 Aug 2016 7:30pm Thu 18 Aug 2016 7:30pm Sat 20 Aug 2016 7:30pmSun 21 Aug 2016 2:00pm 
Produced and Directed: Opera Van Diemensland
Conductor: Gregory Stephens
Repititeure/Coach: Jennifer Marten Smith
Music by: Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto by: Salvadore Cammarano
Introducing: Hannah Dahlenburg and Martin Thomas Buckingham, both artists triumphantly returning from Europe to join the company in the roles of Lucia and Edgardo
Featuring: Operatic veteran Douglas McRae as Enrico, Gennadi Dubinsky as Raimondo and the Hobart Chamber Orchestra


Premium $70 / A Reserve $60
B Reserve $55 / C Reserve $20
B Reserve Concession $50
Gallery Premium $70 / Gallery A Reserve $60
Gallery B Reserve $55 / Gallery C Reserve $20
Gallery A Reserve Concession $55
Gallery B Reserve Concession $50

*all bookings made via the website will incur a $2.00 Internet Transaction Fee

Monday 20 June 2016

Rare operatic gem  in Perth this month!

Lost Don is well-founded

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Lost and Found - Bizet's Don Procopio

Once again the innovative new opera company serving rare delights to hungry audiences in Western Australia have come up with a winner of a production with Bizet's neglected early work, Don Procopio.  Their ethos is to perform neglected or forgotten operatic gems in found, unusual and original spaces reflective of the piece and this time they certainly didn't disappoint.

Not only that but they have a knack for getting top class performers from Australia wide but manage to keep the focus on Western Australian singers as a priority.  Well known names like Michael Lewis (with one of the best exits I've ever seen onstage) share the stage with emerging singers the likes of Stephanie Gooch, Alasdair Kent (the vocal standout of the evening), Claire Condipodero, Perry Joyce and Paull-Anthony Keightley.

The season has pretty much sold out but you can check out more information about the production and Lost and Found by going to their website.  It's been a wonderful experience working with them, even in my small capacity designing the program and poster.

Check out this review by The Australian here and if you don't have a ticket already, it might be too late.

#LostandFound #Opera #WesternAustralia #Bizet

More information-!don-procopio-1/c12uk

Opening night in Perth for Bizet's lost gem Don Procopio starring Michael Lewis- the stars were out to celebrate including Soprano Elise Wilson and husband John, Bel canto admin Blair Parkinson ( rear) and mezzo Nicole Youl ( centre.) Michael Engel ( L)

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Schubert at the Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney!



Lee MingweiSonic Blossom, 2013–present
Every Thursday– Sunday, 2 June – 9 October
Level 3 Galleries
(no bookings)
Taiwanese, Paris-based artist Lee Mingwei’s performance-installation Sonic Blossom has classically trained opera singers periodically select a museum visitor and approach them with a simple question: May I give you the gift of song? Should the visitor accept, the singer will lead the participant to a chair and serenade them with one of Franz Schubert’s lieder. Mingwei compares the sporadic performances to “the folding and unfolding of a ‘Sonic Blossom’.”

The singers below perform Schubert songs in the exhibition - in a very special and magical way. Jane Ede, Celeste Lazarenko, Ayse Goknur Shanal, Helene Dahlberg and James Payne and Andrew Moran.

For more information about the Museum-